Weekend Update

Aug 23, 2009 10:32

So, over the past week, we spent a few days and couple nights over at nockergeek's parent's house because the construction crew had finally set a date to finish our bathroom. The results are fantastic! It's a spa-quality tub minus the jets. It's such an improvement over that dirty old sliding door shower stall and rusty metal tub! The new tub is insulated and rated to lose only 1 degree Fahrenheit over a half hour. Heavenly~ The new shower head is nice, too. It's a 4-star hotel bathtub in our humble little 3-bedroom slab. Worth every penny. (many, many pennies)

Andi brought home a cold bug from either church or her friend's house and shared it with me and her Yaya. It was a fast and nasty headcold that abated with a fever. Now it's settled in our chests. Wheefun. Mine probably wouldn't have been as bad if I hadn't stayed up so late re-arranging her bedroom after I moved my desk and computer out of the nursery. Now her room is entirely her own. She was so surprised when she came home from Nana's house this morning!

I finished a couple of ink commissions this week. I'm glad that even amid all this I could get some work done. I have a handful of others-- most that have approval on sketches and just need to be done. It's hard to finish pics with a miserable head cold. Hopefully, this will pass soon.

I can't Summer vacation is already over this week! That seemed like such a short summer, but we were busy the whole time. The biggest busy-ness is yet to come. We have to finish the counter top and fix the hole in the wall. There's some general yardwork that needs to be done and cleaning cleaning cleaning ugh before we can show the house. I hope things like new plumbing, new sinks, a new tub, new roof, garage door, and a paint job will really help to move this place this year. It's been really exhausting, but I just keep our goal in mind. I can't wait to move in to a new place with more than one floor! (And a basement of our own!) Plus, we'll be VERY close to several friends. That will be a delight.

Okay, picture posts are coming up this week. I'll have to get used to my desktop being in a new place, now. But I can now work on art at night without worrying about waking up a tiny! It'll be fun to be the office with Bo again, too.

Oh~ And lest I forget, Dissidia will be arriving soon <3 (Bo's also looking forward to Arkham Asylum) It's a good time for games. Oh, and in other entertainment news, Inglorious Basterds is stupid fun.

house, games, baby, life

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