Things 'n' stuff

Aug 07, 2009 08:12

I pre-ordered Dissidia last night from Amazon. It was on a 12% off sale with the pre-order promotion of a 10 song soundtrack. I found a coupon code online for $5 off, too. Then, with free shipping, I got it for almost $7 off list price which is just fine by me. I was really hesitant to hop on that promotion, though, because I was hoping someone was offering better incentive to pre-order (I love gimmes like keychains and artbooks). Gamestop was only offering variant cover art *wank* Oh well, this way I don't have to worry about it, I got it on a good sale, and squee! Less than a month away! I don't get too excited about video games anymore. I've been waiting for this one for a couple of years it feels like.

Other than that, I have another illustration job which will be an interesting change. The money came at a good time that I can help mom out with some financial distress. She's dropped almost $1000 on her car in the past month! And that doesn't count for all the repairs she's had to do through the winter and spring. v_v I keep telling her that at his point, just getting a new car would be cheaper, but she doesn't want car payments until she's moved in to the new place.

On the subject of moving, we'll FINALLY be getting our new bath installed on the 18th. It'll be a three day job, too. I am terrified that we'll have mold that will sap our finances to remove and delay the installation v_v there's nothing I can do about it but worry. If it's there, it's there. We've had the damn leak long enough that it's a concern. Please don't let it be bad.

Tonight is the Jazz and Blue's festival in Downtown LS. I told some folks I'd be online tonight, totally forgetting it was Friday. I feel like a real heel for that, but maybe I can make it up to them this weekend. We have a babysitter, so I'm fully taking advantage of the time to catch an outdoor concert and possibly hang with friends. What sounds really good tonight is hitting Neighbor's Cafe for their chicken strips and green beans :9

This weekend I'm doing some baking!

(soul eater anime is getting depressingly awful where we are. I really should read the manga instead.)

work, life, local

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