Picpost -- Art Dump

Jul 07, 2009 06:46

Whew! I've been working and playing and working and playing and not really posting much. Sorry about that. I've collected several of my recent commissions together in one big page to share. This is only a portion of what I've been doing. There are adult commissions that I'll post seperately. These are single-character portraits. Some are from the commission sale, others are prior to that. Detail, size, and quality varies because I'm a horribly inconsistent bastard. Here we go!

Starting from top left, going right, and then down:
solarinstudio sent me a list of three characters to draw. I was a numbskull and mistook short descs in the body of the letter for the character descriptions. Going off that, I created a
  • character that blurred the lines between fighter, ranger and rogue. She's cute and I kind of like her. I'll go back and re-do this right because I have a feeling I'm probably way off (I haven't read the real descs yet ^^;;) Sorry, JB!
  • neomonki Neo's Nyochaaaaaaaan~ She is awesome and badass and awesomely badass and pantless in this version. Neo asked me to draw pants in for the final version :( (I'm posting no-pants version because I'm a stinker!) <3neo
  • tim_almasy's pirate Markus Shae. His characters always suffer horrible haircuts at my hand. I have a colored version of him to post as well. Tim had a very clear idea of the character and I had no real problem putting him to paper. I enjoyed working on this one.
  • Another one for solarinstudio that I'm sure I botched! Still, fun to work on a different sort of character!
  • Yup, another for solarinstudio, a dragonborn. He was one of those $10 sketches. I didn't mean to put so much detail into him but I just took the concept and ran with it. Bo also took Andi out to the park while I was working on this. I think I enjoyed the p&q and just went to town. Another novel character!
  • This is LaLuna@DA's character Mei, she's beautiful and elegant and really a joy to work on.
  • JustPlainJoe@DA's character Mondo Mojo. Freaking awesome! The character he handed me felt so Gungrave-y. Mmmm, gravy.
  • This is a leftover commission from Naka-kon; some homework. This guy is a street samurai from the Shadowrun universe. I really wanted a modern Japanese street punk feel. Steel toed Converse shoes with rivets totally need to be made!
  • Aaah! What's her LJ name? Cadence@FFMUX's character with a Gimme Cat, nyaaaaaaaaaah~ Another beautiful, elegant lady.

    I have customer approval on most of these, but I love hearing what other folks think of the images, so, if you have a moment, please comment. Comments are muse chow.
  • sketches, original, commissions, picpost, art dump, pencil, fanart

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