I've really been trying to kick this useless/empty/depressive fit for the past month or so. I think I'm just mentally exhausted. Getting new stimulation is really helping. I find myself falling into dangerous habits of comfort eating and blanking out, though. Staying active isn't a problem, but staying mentally stimulated is. It's hard to do adult things with an active two-year-old around.
Anyway, that excuses the art drought lately. Here are a few pieces from recent snippets of freetime/co-operative muse.
* 1 FFMUX -- Zidane and Wren, another Genome
* 3 Soul Eater -- Bewbs
* 1 Samurai Champloo -- New Fuu keychain
I doubt I'll finish this, but I love Wren's character.
We've been watching Soul Eater subs for our anime nights. I ♥ this series.
Sure, this is a viable use of my time.
The keychain design is for sale as a postcard too.
all characters © Their respective owners, Squenix and Geneon(?)
Also, I'm working on a trio of commissions that I've had since Naka-kon. Tulsa in Tokyo is coming up in a month or so. I really need to gear up for that. And, haha, there's still an entire manga to produce. killmenow