Naka-kon, finale

Mar 15, 2009 17:31

In the end, we made a fairly decent profit! Business was still slow and we generally got fewer and smaller commissions than usual. However, we did sell over twenty keychains, several prints, and sold out a few postcards. This was easily the best Naka-kon we've had and we met some good people/got some good leads for other cons. Bonus bonus.

I really enjoyed the laid-back atmosphere this time. I wasn't face down in commissions the whole time and thankfully so because the chairs were getting painful. We were in a nice, quiet location (which means, the Yaoi barker wasn't three tables down from us). We had plenty of traffic without too much congestion and many observations/compliments on the art. Good show!

It seemed animarelic had plenty of people interested in his merchandise too. He had pokémon buttons, prints, and fetish-type necklaces with polymer clay animal pendants. Fun stuff!

I can't say there was anything outstanding from today that I remember other than talking to a few people. I did make Breath of Fire giftart for the H-doujin vendor and he counter-gifted me with a rare Breath of Fire III Ryu/Nina doujin! It's sweet too ♥ And Ryu is drawn very handsomely. He geeked with us on a couple of return trips about obscure game/anime series doujin and his trips to Comiket. Hee~ He was a world class otaku and I think we made a new friend.

Well, I'm looking forward to more conventions this year. Andi, other than being in a real two-year-old sort of mood for both grandmas this weekend, has been a doll. She got to go to her first parade, play on the playground for a couple of hours, spend days with her grandparents, and ...poop on the floor. 9_9 That potty training thing is one step forward, two steps back.

Anyway, happy weekend!

naka-kon, conventions, con, convention

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