Naka-Kon, day one

Mar 13, 2009 21:50

Today was a little slow, but it is such a luxury to have a convention taking place only a half hour away. So far, everything's moving smoothly. There's no internet access there, but the computer means I can also take CG and custom keychain orders on site. Business, along with attendance, was a little sluggish, but Friday is rarely a big spending day. There has been some FINE cosplay, though, and I received a few on-site commissions. Things are looking good, relatively speaking.

Dream Gear Studios is placed catty-corner to our table and I have to tell you, Jeff Dalgado's pencil work is superb! He's also radically under-selling himself and I chided him for it. Understandably, he's just starting out and trying to make a name for himself, but his work is so fantastic, he could easily ask triple his current prices.

We bought a fantastic, poster-sized Afro Samurai piece (second one from the left) from him for $35. He does commissions for roughly $25 and you'd be a fool not to commission him if you're looking for custom art at a ridiculously low price.

animarelic seems to be doing well, too. His buttons and fetish necklaces get quite a bit of attention as does his marker art. It's good to see him again, too. We don't get to visit with folks in Indep. too often anymore.

All in all, the con venue has drastically improved (it wasn't bad before, but now it's amazing!) and I'm so happy to be supporting a local con. It feels like I never took the time off. The series really haven't changed as much as I feared they might have. Sometimes I miss staying at cons for special panels and things like the AMV contest. I've never taken part in an art jam either. But still, it's great fun being able to participate in the Artist's Alley again. I enjoy talking with fellow fans so much.

(There are so many FF9 fans that visit my table :O Where have they all been hiding?!)

naka-kon, conventions, con

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