Today's been a game of hurry up and wait! I don't think I'd realized how early the roofer was going to be here today, so straight out of bed (after a bit of internetting to wake up) Bo and I scrambled to get dressed and ready and then get the house presentable for guests. Andi and a couple days of negligence on my part made this a two hour job, but we finished right in time-- what would have been right in time. The roofer was almost an hour late for his appointment. I tried to fill that time doing commissions like I wanted to earlier that morning. Naturally, as soon as I sit down and relax to do it, he calls ahead to let us know he'll be here.
He stayed for about a hour running over things and chatting with us. Really, he's a great guy and I understand how hard it is to get out early on a Saturday morning. But with my morning blown, a cranky tiny, and naptime on the way, I really missed my opportunity to wrangle my muse into doing any art.
Straight after naptime, I started prepping pizza ingredients for a get-together at
evildennis' house. The pizza was a hit and well worth the time, but a clingy toddler certainly didn't help my mood any. I'm glad mom offered to watch her tonight because this last molar or set of molars has been hard on the both of us. I miss my sweetheart girl. She's been all crank and frustration. No fun.
So, there's church tomorrow. I shouldn't let the fuckcold be a deterrent because it's good for all of us to go. But man, I'd like some time to finish this image and just clear my head. I was supposed to get a break somewhere.
Can Winter be over now?