Grumpy sick mutterings

Jan 06, 2009 09:16

With GPS technology so widely available these days, why do people still ask directions? =_=; Professionals like repairmen and roofers should be able to afford these things. I'm only annoyed because this is the third time in the past few months I've had to give directions to someone. Come on, folks, you know what you're getting into asking directions in the Midwest?

"Well ya see that tree down there? You'll be turnin' off a ways past that and goin' down the main road some and lookin' fer the fence with the upsidedown horseshoe. You turn two streets down but if you hit the gas station you done gone too far so turn 'round and look again." Keep in mind each turn gets an overemphasized gesture.

Unrelated to repairman annoyances, my cold seems to be a bit better. NyQuil is making me feel utterly out of it today, though. I always feel worse in the morning when I take this stuff. Fortunately, I slept mostly through the night. Bo's tossing and my bladder woke me up a couple of times, but that's still more sleep than the previous two nights.

Andi's been climbing all over me today. Mom says children know when their parents aren't feeling well and seem to be extra pesterclingy then. The dog's the same way, though he's backed off some since I've tossed him off my lap a few times to rescue the tiny or answer the phone.

I bought the new Patricia Biggs book Cry Wolf. I'm looking forward to reading about an Omega werewolf in her universe. Attempting to read last night after taking NyQuil was laughable. I kept falling asleep mid-sentence and several times printed words stopped making sense. It's so surreal. NyQuil does weird things to my brain.

I'll never forget the day at college I was fighting through bronchitis while on NyQuil. I'd taken enough that it couldn't put me to sleep anymore. That doesn't mean it didn't have an impact, though. Once I got up to go to the bathroom, I couldn't feel anything below my knees. I've never been conventionally drunk, but I imagine that's what it's like. Sleep dep and heavy drugs make me very loopy. During my C-section, they had me laying in the typical "T" pose. I kept muttering in amusement, "This is my Jesus pose..."

If I can manage to squeeze the mush in my head back into something resembling a brain, I plan to work on commissions today. Then it's back to MangaStudio work tonight. Seems the repairman will be here soon. Here's to hoping it won't be long (or too expensive). Update later...

drugs, rar, bitchwhinemoan, art, baby, sick, life

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