Picpost -- Sketches

Jan 01, 2009 07:29

For Christmas I received a couple of sketchbooks. Virgin sketchbooks. We can't have that now!

To kick things off:

This was one of my concept sketches for a picture of Tai Ming to use in a gift for evildennis. I ended up going with the more fanservice-y one:

Bad Tai Ming: the end by *The-Z on deviantART

Since people were still enough while playing various games, including 90's Trivial Pursuit (which was awesome!) I had an opportunity to draw a few quick portraits of friends! This is more fun than photography, I've decided, though perhaps not as candid. If I could have caught the moment Mike's Hard Lemonade came jetting out of nockergeek's nose, I think I would have framed it for display on the wall! Well done, kei_neko.

Unfortunately, a rough day of female stuff, chasing a sick baby, and catching sick baby's cold (or someone else's) knocked me out not long after the year rolled over. I wanted to do more art, but it just wasn't in me. But, perhaps I can attempt to fill up this sketchbook before the quarter is over.

Meanwhile, the baby spent the night over at her Yaya's house. She's been asking to go over there all week! She really couldn't have been more pleased to visit. I miss her, but it also means I got to sleep in (until 6:39a). Why yes, it does suck being a morning person sometimes. But I'll be sure to get a good nap in today.

It looks like I'll be making some dishes for this weekend. Two pot-lucks in a row between extended family and church. But it also means that I get some big, free meals through the weekend! Right now, I just want blueberry pancakes, hot tea, and my blanket.

I also want to do more art, but it's probably prudent to rest. Darn you, common sense!

It feels so good hanging out with adults again. I secluded myself for nearly an entire year with only brief forays out to meet friends or family. If I'm grateful for nothing else, I'm so thankful the baby is old enough and family is willing to watch her (or that evildennis doesn't mind me bringing her over. I missed my friends!

church, sketchbook, picpost, baby, life, friends, sketches, new years

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