Keeping you on your toast

Dec 23, 2008 08:50

I had a good, healthy dose of scare when Andi was choking on a hunk of bread today. I hadn't realized she crammed a whole half slice of bread in her mouth. She'd sucked it down into a moist, doughy mass and when she swallowed, it refused to move down her throat. It was stuck down far enough I couldn't reach it, but not far enough to pass into her stomach. For about half a minute, she kept gasping and choking. She was able to cry, so I knew it wasn't as bad as it could be. I tried to get her to heave it up and nothing worked. The dog joined in the fun, so I had to herd him into the bedroom while dialing 911 with the hand cradling the wheezing toddler.

I was able to get to the dispatcher on 911 by the time I could settle the baby facedown across my lap. She ejected a pellet of doughy bread about the size of her fist and I gave her some time to cry freely before I told the 911 operator that I wouldn't need an ambulance.

"Ma'am, do you need fire, police, or ambulance?"
"No, she seems to be crying pretty freely. Can you hear her?"
"Oh yeah, I can hear her. Are you sure you don't need assistance?"
"Nah, I think I have it from here. Thank you."
"You know where to reach us if you need help."

Followed by much cuddling of a panicked baby.

Not five minutes later, she was up and causing trouble again, so I assume she's well. Still. Whew! What a scary thing to happen while alone at home with the baby.

Ein helpfully assumed clean-up duty and got rid of that dough ball.

Otherwise, life has been chasing the terror toddler around, reading to her, constantly cleaning up after her, cooking, baking, and brief interludes of trying to catch up on Kemeko DX, Chaos;Head, and playing random battles in FFT.

At nearly 20 degrees warmer than this time yesterday, the weather outside seems balmy! Pretty pathetic, when it's only 25 degrees outside. And the weather is on its way to some more wintery mix. Luckily, Friday is supposed to be twice the current temperature as the high. I can't wait to get outside and stretch my legs!

I really wish I had the time and energy to devote to some creative development, but with so many other tasks on which I can't multi-task taking my attention, it's just proven impossible.

Friendsmas was a blast. I was glad to hang out with adults and talk about things that don't involve Elmo or Hippopotamus or ABCs. evildennis' house is beautiful! I'm envious of all the space! He has a beautiful kitchen, too.

Whew! I'm tired. I still need to run trays of treats to neighbors. Maybe I can crash (baby permitting) the rest of the evening and watch Mushi Shi and Hell Girl. The urge to fanart Kemeko is overwhelming. Oh, I remember when I had free time.

friends, baby, holidays, stuff, life

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