Such a perfect day...

Apr 23, 2008 10:58

Bo's taken a vacation day to spend time with me on my birthday. I'm grateful for that since the baby has had a low-grade fever all weekend up until now. Tylenol is helping and I give it only when she gets really warm. Otherwise, she's been easily-upset and waking up too early from her naps as well as through the night. Her molars are coming in and I imagine she's getting at least a couple at a time like she did her front teeth. Additionally, she's become a semi-permanent attachment to my chesticles. Speaking of which, it's time to clip her nails because she's starting to scratch me raw.

Otherwise, not much going on today. I may try to catch dinner and a movie with Bo tonight-- not really hoping for too much, seeing as the baby is not feeling well. I still haven't played on the Wii. I was too tired to decide what to do last night. I don't think I would have enjoyed it. This morning, I have my hands full with the baby as usual (except in the case of making an LJ post).

Outside, the petals are starting to fall from the magnolia tree. However, the crabapples are coming into bloom. The one in the backyard is just stupid with blooms. That should help the squirrels out this winter. Last season was kind of slim for them since a late frost killed the flowers on most every tree in the area.

Speaking of the tree out back, a sparrow seems to be investigating the little birdhouses hanging from the branches. I saw it zipping in and out, carrying bits of twigs and fluff. In the front yard, a robin has already made a beautiful nest from yard clippings and mud. We're going to have so many babies around the house soon!

On the subject of birds, Avery's gone to join all the birds he's hunted over the years. They'll be waiting for him along with the rabbits he's taken down. The old cat (Bo's parents were his humans) was fifteen years old and suffering kidney failure. Yesterday, he was weak and listless, so they decided to finally put him down. His humans are taking it very hard, but Avery left a pretty big hole to fill. They're going to scatter his ashes under the tree on which he liked to sharpen his claws. A little of the ash will be reserved to go into a feature among a collage. Nothing will replace his loud greetings as you walk up to the door, though.

R.I.P. Avery: April 22, 2008

bo, z, baby, life

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