Nov 01, 2007 21:23
I never intended to spend my Halloween night in gut-wrenching agony and positively sick with intense chills. In fact, I was sort of planning on a nice, hot pizza as a treat and a night of waiting eagerly for Trick or Treaters.
But nooooo. I had to get the same stomach bug Bo had. Man, did it clean me out.
It seems mom got it too, only she drowned it in Pepto Bismol because she had to work.
I'm suspicious that the source of the bug was the baby. But damn! It's been a long time since I was laid out like that. In fact, I was more miserable in the first four hours of suffering that bug than I was in labor.
Taking care of a baby in a time like that is just miserable. I hope I don't have to do that again any time soon.
The good news is, it was just a 24 hour thing. I've rehydrated myself and seem to be doing well on applesauce and bananas.