Here's something else I meant to post last week but never got around to it. Here's a load of commissions over the past while that I don't think I've shared. One, in particular, pertains to that Tyrannosaur head I posted earlier this year.
Dino DuelsI was approached late last year (I think it was) to do some concept art for a pitch to Cartoon Network involving kids in the future and fighting dinos. I don't think I'm at liberty to make a more detailed description than that, but I was excited by the concept. The art itself seemed to take forever and I wish I had just scrapped the original sketch instead of going into revision after revision. Still, I love how the dino turned out. Being in advanced stages of pregnancy, I was so damn tired when this was finished.
Dr. TitusThis is a recent one from the same author who commissioned
Metal Howl here. Law had originally planned to create a comic to print with the characters. However, it seems now that plans have changed and there will be a webcomic first. These images will be featured in a guest artist gallery.
Nekaru and Carbuncleevildennis Commissioned these two pictures. They were supposed to be a calendar series featuring his FFXI character Nekaru. I sort of dropped the ball in these commissions. I think with all the doctor's visits and other work coming up, I just couldn't stay focused. That's pretty rare for me to drop a project. I wish it hadn't been with a friend.
And finally, for Halloween.
Nekaru and Ifrit dressed as a Moomba.Ifrit kind of looks like Hellboy's ugly cousin. I hate summon models for FFXI.
I just finished another commission recently and some charity art for the hospital at which I delivered. When I make it to the other computer, I'll post those as well. Otherwise, I think I'm going to hold off on commissions for the rest of the year and concentrate on my own art. There's a hell of a shortage of time and I hate that anxiety of knowing that I have an unfinished job hanging over my head, even if the customer is being patient and understanding. I have a few left in the queue anyway. I just won't take on any new jobs.