I'm sort of bummed that the demo version of Manga Studio didn't want to install on my computer. It installed just fine on Bo's, but seems to get hung up on my system. It's strange and Bo's tried several things, so I'm sort of at a loss. Maybe if I can find another version somewhere I can try a full install and see if that works. I'd love to try it out before purchasing. That's a big investment otherwise :/
I would've liked to fiddle around with it this holiday to turn out a page or two of something as an experiment, but alas.
In the meantime, here are more Ninja Monkey clan doodles.
Some of these designs are all over the place since I only have a vague idea yet how I'll be incorporating these clans into the storyline. They'll be in there for sure since Dog and Sheep is very plentiful. For character roles, though, I'm not so certain.
The bottom left design of the sheep clan is a re-revision of a very old character concept. He fits surprisingly well. My favorite design is the dog in the center right. S/he is just darling. Also, Kung-fu afro and shades sheep dude amuses me.