Kwik Kon Update

Aug 05, 2006 22:20

Sales are outrageous this weekend. I'm making close to the same amount of money as A-kon. Most of that, again, is due to on-site commissions, though a great amount can be attributed to keychain sales. Prints, once again, are only selling moderately. Also, back on the subject of commissions, two hours before the AA closed today, I was booked solid on commissions through that afternoon and all through tomorrow. I don't plan on accepting any more commissions tomorrow. Sadly, this means my profits probably won't be as swell, but I'm sure my remaining shreds of sanity will thank me. As of tonight, I'll have finished 13 commissions with 6 left to go. AA closes at 4 pm tomorrow and if I can avoid it, I don't want to take any work home with me.

On a slightly related note, in the art show/auction, the Kiba Munny has a bid from Kiba's dub voice actor. :3

Hope everyone's having a great weekend! Talk to you again on Monday.

Also, LJ tells me it's icaro's b-day. Happy B-day!

anime iowa, conventions

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