Picpost: Tig-arrr!

Jul 26, 2006 08:57

Finished two pictures last night, one of which I can strike off my to-do list. For as blessedly small as that thing looks now, it won't be long before I recharge it with fresh work. I'm thankful for having a productive month, even if I don't feel it was particularly note-worthy artwise. I had a chance to draw one of my OCs with good feedback and ( Read more... )

anime iowa, fanservice, conventions, oc, picpost, cg, tai ming, watercolor, pirate, ninja monkey

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evildennis July 26 2006, 15:41:44 UTC
Re Re: Tai-- Yeah, I do like the hair, it blended with the character well so I didn't really pay too close attention to it until you mentioned it. (I was mostly drawn to the eyes and tounge.) Then I started thinking who's hair is it like... but couldnt' come up with anything. So looks unique to me.

Re Re: BESM-- I can also help out with numbers if you need. Although I'm thinking/hoping that they really won't come into play too often. You know me, I'm more of a storyteller wing it person. *chuckle* And it's okay if neither of you are around, since that's why I was making the games episodic.

Re: Anime Iowa-- *sigh* Yeah, kinda wanted to go to that, but don't think i've got the time atm. And it's really bad when half of my joural ppls are talking about AI or Otakon.

Re Re: Commissions-- I know, which is why I ask you how busy/free you are before I started tossing out my ideas to you. I mean my grand idea (which I won't do) was to make a calendar. But only because I had almost 20 ideas for artwork. And the artwork all had a theme... Summoners and Avatars.


the_z July 26 2006, 15:50:48 UTC
Re Re Re: Tai -- Awesome! I'm glad it blended well and still looked distinct. hoo! That's reassuring.

Re Re: BESM -- If you have stat ideas to toss out, I'm open to suggestion! I don't like to rely on numbers much myself either, which is why I tend to flunk game mechanics. :/

Re: AI -- It's Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. You can get one-day or weekend passes if you're really interested. I know it's a bit of a drive for a one-day thing, but it'd be cool to see you there. I'm all for supporting local cons.

Re Re Re: Commissions -- Oooh, now a calendar project sounds very interesting!


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