the_z: Okay, back to shading Renji's courdaroy or however the hell you spell that obnoxious buzzfabric.
thehorde: COrduroy. :o
the_z: HOW DO YOU KNOW HOW TO SPELL IT? Oh god, you must love it.
You geeks are all the same :<
thehorde: Don't underestimate my vocabulary. :(
the_z: Or at least your spelling ability.
thehorde: They often go hand in hand!
People with tiny vocabularies are often abysmal spellers.
the_z: Often, but not always! I could spell fornicate before I knew what it meant.
But for some reason, I couldn't spell 'dynamite' in front of a microphone >_< and that lost me the spelling bee.
Since then, I've been too lazy to devote any braincells to properly memorizing words ever again.
Scarred for life.
(really, I'm just too lazy)
thehorde: Sracler/
Wow, way to look at comics instead of what I'm typing.
the_z: So... what's that about your vocabulary?