Dungeon Meme

Jun 27, 2006 08:21

Give me a bridge. I'm jumping!!


You read the scroll marked 'WOLFY CHAN'. You hear the sound of hentai in the distance. (well that's appropriate)

Wyrdness the goblin is here (3HP).
You zap Wyrdness with the Wand of Writing. Wyrdness is caught in a cone of flame for 18HP damage! (apparently, it was a wand of flaming)

You are in a dusty catacomb. A wooden sign warns of sweater puppies. :O (notably, Yukimi was guarding the room of sweater puppies.)

You quaff the potion marked 'NINJABETTER'. It tastes foul. DX

Kofi the rat is here (1HP). (Just 1HP? That's pitiful!)

You quaff the potion marked 'NAKA-KON'. It tastes like pocky.

You are walking through a cold gallery. You hear the sound of yaoi in the distance. (unf?)

Final Result (I quit because I couldn't find anything else):

I escaped from the Dungeon of The Z!

I killed Sadieko the minotaur, Judge the minotaur, Yukimi the fire elemental, Darkisawa the orc, Matildarose the dragon, Psychousagi the giant spider, Wyrdness the goblin, Jidane the gelatinous cube, Croaky the cockatrice, Mettemuse the gelatinous cube, Pinkfairywand the arch-demon, Gubaba the rat, Bastardized the troll, Kbrighton the giant spider, Moachan the minotaur, Kei Neko the zombie, Nightambre the rat, Anjimito the leprechaun, Kalia the gelatinous cube, Kofi the rat, Ceruleanskies the owlbear, Greenwings the orc, Bgm Creatures the leprechaun, Telophase the fire elemental, Emlan the gelatinous cube, Zinthos the floating eye, Foxkit the minotaur, Sjen the mind flayer, Sw Inku the troll, Tim Almasy the mind flayer, Ashchan the zombie and Duneboo the dragon.

I looted a Figurine of Dragonboy Mt, the Wand of Writing, a Figurine of Thehorde, the Crown of Richman1, the Sceptre of Fantasy, the Armour of Raenshadoe, the Dagger of Manga, the Wand of Ninja, the Dagger of Kouryoku, the Sword of Foxscribbles, the Dagger of Wredwrat, the Armour of Ravensdojo, the Amulet of Voeltzwagon and 836 gold pieces.

Score: 1061
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