Much To-Do About Nothing

Jun 21, 2006 10:34

As you can see, I've been making some progress! *self-backpat* Yay, go me.

So, two commission sketches done this morning and awaiting approval. I'm also missing out on garage sale-ing due to work! Boo! I want to look at other peoples' crap for sale.

However, I do feel good for making a little bit of progress. I've got a big pile of to-do before the convention first week of August. To chip away at just a little bit is a huge relief. What do you mean stress? Cons aren't something you scurry to prepare for in the last two weeks, yanno! ;)

Also, I found out my Munny shipped yesterday. Now, I have to decide what to make of it!Poll Anime Iowa Munny Poll

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conventions, commissions, poll, art, work, munny

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