
Jun 20, 2006 00:07

Another day, another art theft. I owe Mimirusign a debt of thanks for reporting them. We've both contacted the webmaster, so now, I can only hope that's squared away before long.

Otherwise, found other disappointment today in the new Sears that's moved in where K-Mart was. I never once imagined I'd say this, but I actually preferred the store when it was a K-Mart. The Sears center has a tremendous variety of products on the floor including groceries, drapery, brand name clothing, and super woowoo hardware-- you know, just about the same things K-Mart used to carry. Unfortunately, for all the product types they carry, there isn't much variety in indivual products. There were possibly three different designs of sheets, potholders, coffees, pots, grills... There was a nice selection of clothing, but horribly over-priced so that their sales looked more attractive.

I was terribly underwhelmed and for once, nostalgic for a K-Mart. On the other hand, they offer free internet access in their cafe and free popcorn. I don't think it quite balances out for a $20 tank top, but it's a nice gesture.

Tonight, I enjoyed the fireflies and cicada songs. I sat on mom's back porch and watched the sunset through the trees. At dusk, I helped her start her lawnmower so she could get rid of some straggling weeds. Then I visited the gas station for some iced tea. It's a quiet night in our small town and very relaxing. I think it finally feels like home.

mom, home, me, art theft

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