Picpost: Munny in my Pocket

May 29, 2006 20:00

I mentioned several months back that I painted one of my Munny's to look like Luffy from One Piece. Since our digital camera at the time was crap, I didn't want to bother trying to take photos for web (possibly auction) posting. Well, thanks to Daddy Barr, we have a spiffy hand-me-down digital camera that works quite nicely. Since I have another Munny project in the works, I thought I'd finally get around to showing you guys how Luffy turned out.

Here he is tucked securely in his little home. I signed the certificate that came with the Munny to prove its authenticity, but I'm tempted to keep the accessories for myself. Sadly, Luffy didn't sell at Naka-kon, but the Artist Alley was tucked away in a strange place and got very little traffic as it was.

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Out of the box and looking a bit disturbed.

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Lookit the little nub tail! And the brim of the hat is so large that it looks like he's wearing a sombrero. Then again, it's the only straw hat from the craft store that would fit that huge head of his!

Munny is from Kid Robot. They come blank in either white, black, or glow in the dark and are, essentially, an empty canvas. Each comes with a random packet of 4 mystery accessories. Wouldn't you know it? I got two identical accessories packs! (Cell phone, sunglasses, hockey stick, and a swirl of poo)

The Munny I'm working on right now is a Kakashi Munny with a removable headband and sharingan eye. He'll have hair cut from Bo's old Jiraiya wig. (I hope it turns out cute!) Both Luffy and Kakashi will be raffle prizes at A-kon this year and I plan to do more for the other conventions. I'll probably limit the amount of fan Munnys I do from here, but they're great subjects to learn on.

I hope you enjoy the photos!

one piece, fanart, convention, a-kon, luffy, munny

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