Sep 22, 2019 22:05
Drinking wine to ight after a loooong day at work. I have stretched myself today over 9km of walking and beyound my mental, emotional capacity. But! Everybody is alive and almost every ody went home on time, so i guess my charge nurse duties are complete I guess.
Changes that have taken place over the last 2 months both broke my heart and made space for new things and hopefully new love in the future. I kbow i am not ready yet but what makes me worried is the way we meet new people now over online dating, it is like online shopping really but i do not want selling or buying a heart and dont want to play any games cause i just dont even know how and dont want to learn the rules of such cruel game! So i hope there is a true honest connection for me out there yet!
The knly thjng i know is true is my returnjng love for me and my own heart and soul.