May 19, 2004 22:04
im quite tired, and i just talked to zoe. I really think im experiencing withdrawl anxiety from her. Ahh this is muy terible. who will i smoke with at fc? what is this world coming to i ask time and time again. what has my world come to?! i kind of had an ok week. I'm starting to do school work again, for the first time in almost a year and a half. its kind of scary being clear and shit, but still being fuzzy sometimes, then coming back to focus. and ive had this kid of odd nervous feeling in my stomach all week. kind of fearful but also kind of giddy for some reason, and i dont know about what. i went to work today and i ate so many fucking oatmeal cookies, they sent me crashing because of all the fucking sugar. I didnt do jack shit except make some almond buttter and i dumped out all the oil so pen freaked. I'm only 15 and i already dont like working for other people, i need to do some self-employment. id also like to say hello to the zo who will be reading this. sayonara