Hahahaha, as stated on my subject, it's quite apparent how boring my currrent job as a Temporary Operations Assistant is. FYI, I just started work 2 days ago (today being the 2nd day). I'm not kidding!!!! && again, the job is flooded by TPJCians HAHA. Just the 4 of us actually, and another one next week :0 Lol!!! I was so surprised to see Eunice there on the first day when we entered the building...
Okay, so for the whole day (8 hours), all we do is to stare at the screen, press 'Enter' key, write some stuff, scan and arrange cards according to their serial numbers, AND THE SHOCKING THING IS we have to hit a target of 1600 cards per day. What do you think??? I only manage to hit 1500 cards today HAHA. But the target, well, it's just a target :D :D :D That's all I can say about my job. Doubt I'll learn anything from this. HAHA. But Crystalbelle was saying that it's easy $$$$$ so I'll just have to endure for another 13 days before I say sayonara to admin matters! (:
P.S I can't wait for Friday to come :D :D Tomorrow's a Wednesday already &&& it's a special day because it's Priscilla Neo Sin Yi's 19th BIG DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D