Is there really a light at the end of your tunnel?

May 15, 2004 00:24

well...the witching hour has just passed!!! and i'm still here, guess that makes me a white witch!!...hubble bubble toil and trouble....talking about trouble...where's numero uno trouble? aka AMY !!!!! she could be tanning i spoz, or more probly eating, and u cant fool me with all this Caesar salad crap, i KNOW ur eating cookies!!!!!!!!!!!!the doc told me i'm weighing in tooo heavey!! sooooo no more chocs for me. I'm serving on a bar tomorrow nite at 'posh nosh'..
and Amy....RU leaving me 4eva????????????...u better get ur tanned ass (assuming total coverage here) back here asap from that Frenchie place.I just read ur email from school.sounds asif ur being surrounded!!!!!!! *wheres mr strickland when u need him*...i reckon my sis is cracking up...she went to bed abt 3 hours ago...she suffering from Dale withdrawal symptoms....why are women soooooooooo that goes for Annette toooo. We have called a halt to our 'relationship'..well...i knew it was comming so I was half ready for the big 'heave ho'.......well it wasnt a bad parting of the ways, i think i was taking Amy's advice tooo literally *QUOTE of the DAY*...(from Amy) MARCUS!! you need to get laid! i was trying hard...lmao!!! *quick change of subject b4 i get blocked*....actually i'ma looking forward to this gig tomorrow nite could be good.....but i guess it will be a later nite...who cares....i'm going there early tomorrow to help erect a marquee...*no strings attatched*..haa...all fall down....jezzzz it better not...anyways...i'm off browsing now..the world is calling me...xx
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