
Mar 19, 2006 19:13

I'm so tired. I set my alarm for 8.30 this morning, knowing i would have to leave my house at quarter past nine to cycle the lovely 4.5 miles to work, and i overslept till 9.10... lol, so i jumped out of bed, grabbed my shitznay, and headed off. worked for 8 hours, and cycled home again, with a bag of crisps as the only thing for eat, must of helped burn a few today :D.

Just wolfed 2 egg sarnies and the remains of a bar of chocolate, and i'm making malaise macaroni cheese tonight round hers, so i should be recovered nicely in time to go to bed :D

Heading to the train station soon, so, that's all gravy. Here's something to think about....

this sentence is false...

what you think? is it?

lemmie know what you think

fatigue, hunger, work

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