here I go..
summer ends tonight :(.
I'm quite upset about it.
I don't want to think about school starting again...
I don' twant to think about any of it starting again..
in a lot of ways I know it already has
from the min
that teacher mentioned the Boston outbound trip..
I'd love to go to Boston
that's not the point...
point is...
all my friends are going to beg
me to go..
like I said
not that I don't want to go
it's that......
I don't exactly want to be stuck on a bus
people I can't fucking stand for the life of me most of the time
Theres my problem
make it me and my "friends" and...
well then we can talk...
make it so that I can stop and see Mike,
well of course
Then I'd go!
then you know you'd have me on that bus...if it stopped at Mikes house:I
other news..
not much has happaned lately...
my room is now beam-a-fied. Took down my Redwall poster and put up Raise up Roof Beams pictures.....
I still wish I could go to that concert on Friday night at justin's...
I have my reasons lets say :P.
I guess I should go..
it's already 10:09
I'll leave the summer with this;
Now we're standing here facing each other with our journals drawn like naked swords, and we're fighting to the death with each fountain-penned word. I'm gunna cut you with my poetry and you're gunna kill me with your prose (as long as neither of us knows), but there is one thing that I gotta know. There is one thing I gotta know: why do you care when you know that it's not safe? Why do you care when you know that it all could go to waste? Why do you care when you know that it's not safe? And wasn't safe, wasn't safe. But was it a waste? Oh was it a waste?, was it a waste? was it a....was it a waste? And was it a waste? I don't know, but here we go.
- words by Nathan of,
Raise up Roof Beams "My Forbidden Fruit".
even if the summer was a waste
It was the best fuckin waste ever :D.