May 13, 2005 19:50

ahhh its been awhile... anyways life is good but chaotic right now. im glad its almost summer..praise the lord!!! hahaha so i know its already like a week ago but i havent gotten a chance to update and ahh my weekend was really good last weekend! i went to the lovely paige's tea party at the beverly hilton and took a ton of pictures but the wont load onto my fucking computer so ohhhh well.. the beauty of everyone at the party will just have to be a mystery to you for now. haha, then.. after the fiesta i saw millie with ilana, neila, julia, and frankie twas funnnnnn... and millie was an amazing show!! i was like smiling the entire time it was great! i would recommend it highly! seth if youre reading this i want to go with you mannn... ill call you. yeah and then it was mothers day and i drove a lot which was great and we went for dinner and my sister saw ashley olsen at coffee bean so that was exciting.

callback list goes up next thrusday good luck to everyone who is on it! arrgg i dont think i will be right now, but hey i am really pessimistic about the whole thing right now.. i HATE the competition. it makes me hate the school which i shouldnt but like your whole talent level and everything is based on being in a certain choir or being in the musical like they are some godly thing which it shouldnt that makes me craaaazzy..... yeah this weekend should be pretty cool... i am seeing Peter Pan on sunday!!! CALLIE YAYAYAAY hopefully youll be playing wendy me dear! but i am still coming even if you arent! im really excited! all right this is waaaaaay too long...this entry was really pointless, late, and boring cause im cool like that. im gonna try to get the pictures to work cause they are cute.
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