Unlucky Princess

May 03, 2005 04:49


Michael Jordan's old number.
Eh, and apparently my age as of 5 hours and 6 minutes ago... or somewhere around that. 15 minutes from being born on May 3rd. *shrugs* the day never matters, just the occasion and even that can be debated.

I'm feeling... unfinished. I gave someone a long lecture a while ago and afterwards, as usual, I examined myself in respect to it. I've got a lot of things unfinished and until I do those, I can't move on.
If things can not be set in order you can not progress. Until the road is built you can not walk on it. If you try to walk the unhewn path you will stumble. *smirks* Poetic licence and all.
I had someone tell me I'm severely cynical. That's obvious. I just don't have much faith in the human race, or myself for that matter. Words are just words and unless you care, they mean nothing. If someone tells you something your reaction is dependant on who says it.

I'm going to begin organizing. I have to, I mean damn, I've got to get busy.

*chuckles* I swear that's such a good song name. The band... the name is pretty good, I could've done a little better. *shrugs* I'm feeling inventive.

So... I'll begin with the summer Japanese studying on... wednesday? As good a day as any. I have to pick a day anyway and that day is definetly free.

So yes it was my birthday. What did I do? I hung out with two of my friends, had dinner with another two and finally played with a couple more online. In the end what was the best part? The Naruto Movie. I swear, I really need to watch a movie like that once a week to keep me in perspective. I don't know why, but they make me feel as close as someone like myself can to motivated.
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