Aug 13, 2010 15:02
So after long thought and consulting my one true friend Jack Daniels, I've decided that the best course of action is not to apologize to those who have already messaged me saying I'm the one in the wrong and that I'm simply "overreacting" and "had no business" in the whole matter.
Well EXCUSE ME. If you're talking shit about me, doesn't that immediately involve me.
It appears that it would from my perspective.
And for that matter right now in 2010 I'd have thought that when someone has a problem with me to actually go to me with it. Fuck that's what I do when I have a problem with someone.
For clarification by the way I'm not necessarily upset about how some people who claim to know me apparently see me, I'm upset over how no one approached me about it.
So what is the best course of action then? Well its simple. Since so many people percieve me as such a downright horrible person, that's what I'll fucking be. So no, I'm done trying to see from the other side of the arguments, I'm done going the extra mile for anybody but me. I'm gonna be a complete and total jackass for a while.
If you need a shoulder to cry on, find another one. If you are stuck at LAX, don't call me for a pickup. If you have to get an abortion don't ask for money from me. In fact don't anybody ask me for any money ever again. I don't have any to begin with and frankly its past time I actually start looking out for number 1. Lets face it the last thing I did for myself, the last selfish thing that I went and got for me and only me was wash my car. 4 months ago.
So if you have some errand, some problem, some one to help you move your couch, or any other thing that would result in me being your emotional tampon which you just use up and throw away, don't come to me. Its best you just fade away.