Under the Vault of Alien Skies by
wishflsinfl (Laura Roslin, Saul Tigh | NR)
Whispers in the Night by
surena_13 (Adama/Roslin | PG-13)
Sprezzatura by
newnumbertwo (Bill/Laura | K)
Lifeline by
fragrantwoods (Bill/Laura | T)
Half Full, Half Empty by
fragrantwoods (Bill/Laura | T)
To Absent Friends by
fragrantwoods (Bill/Laura | K)
The Lark's Sweet Melody by
defyingnormalcy (Bill/Laura | R)
Brotherly Advice by
defyingnormalcy (Bill/Laura | T)
Domestic Relations by
nixmom, updated with Chapter Twelve (Bill/Laura | T)
True Love's First Kiss by
defyingnormalcy (Bill/Laura | T)
Unavailable, updated with Chapter Fifteen by
bugsfic and
bsg_aussiegirl (Bill/Laura | M)
Gift of the Gods by
bsg_aussiegirl (Bill/Laura | T)
All Through The Night by
nixmom (Bill/Laura | NR)
Love's Sacrament by
defyingnormalcy (Bill/Laura | T)
Instead of Words by
redrockcan (Bill/Laura | NR)
Tentative Plans by
newnumbertwo (Bill/Laura | K+)
Sorry is the Hardest Word by
defyingnormalcy (Bill/Laura | R)
Dinner with a Friend by
newnumbertwo (Bill/Laura | K+)
In the Whole World by
pennyante, updated with
Chapter Fourteen,
Chapter Fifteen,
Chapter Sixteen &
Chapter Seventeen (Kara/Lee, Athena/Helo | NC-17)
Biscotti Bill by
redrockcan (Bill/Laura | NR)
Civil War by
letterstonorah, updated with Part One (Laura, Laura/Kara, Ellen, Tory, Lee | PG-13)
the_applecart has a
round-up and reminder.
13th_tribe has a
roundupkarathracelives has a
mid-month roundup.
We should be all caught up now, but please let me know if I've missed a fic. We're still looking for a new editor, so if you're interested, e-mail us at or leave a comment here.