Feb 01, 2011 03:12

Okay guys. Bad, bad news.  My computer is going seriously wonky and I have no clue why. Okay, so I might have SOME idea. (It got stuck - and I mean, stuck, not just really slow - during a system restore and I did what you're never, ever supposed to do, force it down.) I'm only getting it to work now by some miracle by running 'last good configuration' or whatever, but my computer is still slugging along the very same way that caused me to try the system restore in the first place.



I'm completely wiping the hard drive of everything, and I don't trust any of the files enough to burn them over. The only things I'm keeping are pictures and school chiz.

I'm going to do this, and it may fix the problem... or it could royally eff up my system and keep me away from the internet for 'till I can afford to have it looked at by a professional. All my programs, LJ stuff (unfinished mixes, huge projects, 'land comm entries, everything), and pretty much everything else will be gone. Forever. And that's best case scenario.

I just want my baby back.

On a dramatic note, when I was deleting old stuff to try to free up some space and happened across some unposted icons, Icouldn't find it in my heart to delete them without forever immortalizing them on the internet. I'm just slapping them down here for now, but if I ever come back, I'll organize them and put them into a proper batch.







I love you guys so so much. Pray for me my computer, OK?

& journal

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