May 24, 2007 08:20

AN INFORMATIONAL MEME. I've done this one before but this is like UPDATED also other people are doing it!

Me: enough_space

I play: Chisame, Tomo, Greed, Yuuma, Asuna, oh my god I just had to pause and think, Shirley, Mikuru, and Chao. a-ahaha *BROKEN SOBS*

Available on: IRC as Tomo, 95% of the time. If you need to e-mail me, you're best off using Tomo's address as well (semivictory at gmail dotcom) or my personal address (monkeypop at the same). RL contact info is filtered in Chisame's LJ.

Timezone/Language: EST but my hours vary; sometimes I'm on at Australasian hours, other times I pass out randomly at 9:30 PM. I'm a dumbass who still only speaks English, too.


Betaing: I'll beta for anyone. HERE'S THE TRICK: get me to beta about two days before apps open, because otherwise I tend to forget or lose the e-mail. XD; I AM SO SORRY, EVERYONE. Another trick is to PM me with a link to a locked LJ post instead, because I'm better about dropping stuff to do those right away.

AUs: Most likely not. XD I don't have anything against it in theory other than SUCKING AT WRITING SEX, but other circumstances combine to make it a near impossibility! Crack AUs I am good with but again it depends on the situation. Also I'm not sure why anyone would ever want to AU with me ever.

How I Play: I comment as quickly as I can considering dialup, which character(s) I'm playing, and how many threads I'm in. I also don't use notifications unless I'm only in two or three threads because with my loading times and lag and all, there's no point. XD I GET notifications, so if you pick up a thread hours later I will know, but . . . I think most of the rest is covered in jumping and thread-dropping.

Scheduling Issues: IT'S UNLIKELY WE'LL HAVE ANY. :Dd Unless I have something else planned that night or randomly pass out. Just ping me!

Jumping: Any of my characters are always available for jumping, but PLEASE PING ME. I can't stress that enough. It's not that I might say no--it's that it's very likely I will NOT SEE YOUR COMMENT unless you tell me you posted one. This has to do with not using notifications when I'm in a lot of threads and also with the way I load threads/posts to save my connection grief. If you comment to me and I don't reply, but I'm spamming it up with someone else in the same post? It's because I don't know you commented. XD PLZ TELL ME.

Thread Dropping: Y-yeah, I do this for various reasons. XD None of them have to do with HATING YOU or not wanting to play. Most of them are accidental! Some of the many reasons I may drop a thread:

1. I accidentally lost the tab (this happens a lot)
2. One of us is totally swamped
3. I just posted with another character
4. We're already in multiple threads, or I'm waiting to jump you in a second thread
5. . . . it ended
6. You haven't replied in half an hour and you're not AFK or running the post (unless you're Aviy, who sometimes randomly disappears for two hours)
7. I'm totally braindead
8. You commented on a post of mine after I left for the night, to a character that is not Tomo, and I forgot to check their e-mail in the morning

It's almost always #1 or #6, though. If I do this and we weren't done, ping me and link me and I'll be like OH YEAH THAT and go pick it up! I swearz.

For the love of God please drop my thread: Sometimes if I'm threading with someone and I really like the relationship the characters have, or my character has something specific they want to bring up, AND I'm bored or only in a couple threads at the time . . . sometimes the thread will reach a natural conclusion, and my character (usually Tomo) will comment again to you and change the subject, essentially starting another thread. I know poor Sano has to suffer through me doing this for hours sometimes ;o; I'M SORRY HONEY IT'S BECAUSE ILU. Anyway, yeah. If I do that and you were DELIBERATELY trying to end the thread because you're busy or something, just tell me and I can delete or we can pick up later. XD Sometimes I can't tell the difference between a character being quiet/uncomfortable/at a loss for words and a player trying to end the thread because they need to get the fuck out of Dodge. I don't mind being kicked for it! BE GENTLE, BECAUSE IT'S A COMPLIMENT, RLY.

CRACK VS EMO: I tend to play characters who are predisposed to crack over emo. But then again, I play some characters like Shirley and Chao who have LOL EMO GENOCIDE pasts as well! In general, I'll just let a thread run how it runs. I may try to avoid FIGHTS with your characters if I see them coming and they would cause emo--like Tomo will change the subject, or Asuna and Chisame will interfere in each other's threads to run damage control--but if you want to dump emo on them, even Tomo or Greed, you're free to, as long as you keep in mind that they all react differently to sob stories (and it also depends on who it's coming from). If you want to make one of MY characters emo extensively, I like being told, especially if it's Tomo because emo Tomo threads are very, very hard and make me very paranoid about my ICness.

Comfort Levels: I'm very easygoing but I also like to be aware, largely because my comfort levels depend sometimes on the situation and character. So the best bet is to ping me if you're unsure about something. Comedic violence I'm good with--most of my characters engage in it! I'm very bad at fight scenes. VERY BAD. XD I-I'll do them but don't expect anything good; I do fight scenes when they're ICly desirable but not for the joy of it, because I'm just absolutely horrible at them. This also applies to sexual threads--don't expect anything detailed or HOT, or anything too long. Unless you mean loooooong. In which case Greed says ;D Yeah in any case if our characters are in a long-standing relationship, hi Chizuru and Sano, I'm more comfortable (perhaps . . . TOO COMFORTABLE) with that kind of thread. Otherwise you will probably get random action tagging.

Bitch, you stepped on my comfort levels: I hope I've never done this, but if I do, let me know. With a couple of exceptions, I tend to play characters who are easily annoyed at best and Tomo at worst. XD I worry most about her because she can be horrible and un-PC and crude as hell, but I'm not out to offend anyone. If I do, or if I do ANYTHING ELSE that's not kosher--godmoding, trauma buttons, forgetting to take special circumstances into account--I want to know so I can fix it, because it's totally not my intent.

Concrit: There's a screened post in Tomo's LJ and I comment to the crit comm every week. An e-mail is fine too! PM would be my last choice (I mean, other than like, calling me on the phone and saying "Hi Tomo? You suck.") but I'm okay with it too if all else fails.

Cooking: I can has ramen now.
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