1. Age you will be on your next birthday:
I feel so old.
Typist: He -- she -- turned 34 on March 1 and didn't make a big deal out of it. *pokes him -- her -- thing*
2. Your favorite color:
3. Your middle name:
4. The place you lost or would like to lose your virginity:
Typist: ...bitch.
5. A bad habit of yours:
I like that.
6. Your favorite fruit or vegetable:
Typist: ...*blink* Okay then.
7. Your favorite animal:
Typist: fjsdkhfjhdsglgh AWWWW.
8. The town you live in:
9. The name of a pet:
10. Best friend's nickname:
...*amusion* Yeah, that looks about right.
Typist: ...Cytty, I apologize.
11. Your first name:
*dryly* Again, about right.
12. Your last name:
13. The one you love:
Typist: ...hesheitlamppost refused to get any pictures of people, but this is what comes up for Carolinne. ._.