May 23, 2005 08:00

Well its sometime around 8:00AM and I've decided to actually make somewhat of an entertaining post that doesn't involve a quiz. O.O

It's been an interesting past few days, for one I saw a midnight showing of Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Twas pretty good, besides Anakin and Padme acting to planks of wood. Seriously, they could've been more convincing if one of them was in a catatonic coma.

Also, my sleep sked has been going together about as well as oil and water. I've barely slept all that much and when I do it's troubled by horrible nightmares that tend to make me wake up in cold sweats and such. So in essence, making me afraid to sleep which only propels my sleeping further into a hole.

I finished my classes up for my high school diploma, so w00t for that.

Uhm... found out that my once friend Allison is getting a divorce form her husband Mike. Not even a year and its Splitsville. Kind of makes me glad to not of gone to their wedding. And I still have a DVD to return back to her.

I would post other things but people actually read this thing so I will not.

Have a good morning y'all.
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