Sep 02, 2007 21:15
Dear World,
And by world of course I mean those of you who are foolish enough to enter my blog on either LJ or Myspace. Oh you poor foolish creatures. Look, I don’t feel like warning you people today so just assume there will be madness and if you think you might get offended then stop now and go read a book. I’ll wait until you’re gone. Go on now. *taps foot impatiently*
So mostly right now I’m losing my mind. I don’t know what I’m going to do with my life and I feel like I have few skills and it is beginning to stress me. I don’t know what I’m going to do with my degrees (I don’t want to be a cop or necessarily a counselor and that's mostly what they're pushing). The only thing I really like to do is write and the stress is even messing that up. I’ve figured out an important plot point in my story Pieces, I had been having trouble with why Beetlejuice was so drawn to Lydia (other than I’m a fangirl and I said so) but now I’ve got it I think. I started school again on August 23 and I was taking 18 hours (until I dropped one, the 8am one, wonder why). I'm going to try to beg my way into another class, but online so I don't have to be on campus any longer than 7ish to 5ish like I already am (There have been 3 class meetings for me so far, so I'm guessing it ain't gonna happen).
I am now a staff member on a fanfiction community and a moderator for a forum, it’s for Beetlejuice of course (over at fanfictiondotnet) *coughgotherecough*. Oh, I told the person who created them, Mnesomne’s Tears over where I post my fic, that I would let people know about her story (“The Poltergeist of the Opera”). Go read it if you would like to see a crossover between Beetlejuice and Phantom of the Opera. She's also got another good Betel fic going, I'm liking it. I'd tell you more but I don't want to spoil it for you.
I posted the last chapter of my strange little story about Juno so now I need to work on something else. I should be working full time on my story “Pieces in a Pocket”, now that I’m a little less lost with it, but I'm taking it a little slow. I may (or may not, you never know) be working on a wee Dresden Files drabble on the side. I told myself I never would, but then I had a spark of an idea that wouldn't go away. If I like it when I'm done I'll post it, otherwise it can wither in the dungeon with some of my other ideas that displeased me. Muhahahaha. All I will say about it (not that I'm writing it *shifty eyes*) is that I wanted it to be funny and it's gone all maudlin. Poor Morgan. (Ha! Neener neener, Llew.)
I had some trouble with financial aid (every stinkin' year I swear it's the same), but *fingers crossed* it's all cleared up now. I bought my books online (yay to Barnes and Noble and their highly addictive used book section) and even with shipping it was around $100 less than if I'd used any of the bookstores around here. The only problem was that I didn't have my books despite the fact that I needed the stupid things because I already have homework. They're pushing group projects this semester and, as I already discussed with Shelly, I want to go back to the good old days when they pitted us against each other and we fought to the death for grades. *sigh* What happened to the glory days?
I think that's enough rambling from me, have a lovely day people.
story stuff,