Mar 21, 2005 22:36
Section 1
- Most hated nickname: BINKIE
- Type of burial and location of burial: strip club
- Hopeful Death Year: whenever i feel like it
- Lowest GPA ever:2.0
- Favorite Evil Thing to say or do: evil do i really look like the kinda... i once punched a baby in the head.
- Is your tongue long, medium or short: well let the women decied
- Hair color: dark brwon
- Eye color: blue
- Style: beach bum, scene kinda shit
Section 2 - Have You Ever
- Cheated on someone?: no
- Been Cheated on?: yup
- Fallen off the bed?: only when i masterbate in a funny posistion
- Broken someone’s heart?: im not that special
- Had your heart broken?: yes
- Had a dream come true?: im still a virgin
- Done something you regret?: well there was this one time where i was with this girl...
- Cheated on a test: no comment
Section 3 - Currently
- Wearing?: corridaroy or however you spell it shorts, a t shirt
- Listening to?: heptones
- Located?: leather chair
- Chatting with?: christine
- Watching?: nothing
- Should REALLY be doing? watching porn
Section 4 - Do You
- Brush your teeth?: in the morining
- Have any piercings?: ...
- Drive?: nissan
- Drink?: clear stuff
- Smoke?: yes
- Like to give hugs?: im like a fucken boaconstricter
- Like to give kisses?: sloopy wet ones
- Prefer black or blue pens?: black
- Like to travel?: yes i like fiji and egypt
- Sleep on your side, stomach or back?: all around i like diversisty
- Have a goldfish?: no
- Ever have the falling dream?: no im a guy mine are of 50 naked women
- Have stuffed animals?: i ahvea really fat cat
Section 5 - The Last Person You
- Hugged?: cody
- Kissed?: kandace ww thats so long ago
- IMed?: my life partner ignacio. he cut my nut off in a bar fight weve been on love ever since
- Talked on the phone: my mom
- Yelled at?: rick for acting wierd he always acts that way thats why i love the guy
Section 6 - Personal
- What do you want to be when you finish college?: a child moleastor no no wait a school teacher there about the same
- What has been the best day of your life?: the first time i kissed kandace, everyone got busted from curfew i was out till 12 with her we were at the palyground. WE got up towards her car she pulled me towards her and we kissed.
- Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: yes/yes/yes
- What are you most scared of?: getting butt raped by a large inmate
- What do you usually think about before you go to bed? BOOBS
- Love your family?: sure
Section 7 - Favorite
- Movie: amelie, snatch, emperors new groove
- Band: colour
- Store: whalebone
- Relative: white haired grandaddy
- Sport: basketball and baseball, also im a fish
- Ice Cream Flavor: meh
- Fruit: oranges and lemons
- Candy: anything cerrys
- Day of the Week: monday my first day off after 6
- Color: yellow, pink, blue, red
- Name for a Girl: alex, magarita
- Name for a Boy: rusty
Section 8 - What Do You Think About
- Abortion: pro-choice
- Suicide: should never happen
- Smoking: cancer sticks = <3
- Eating disorders: i like my women a little plum for assurance
- Summer: lazy sleep fun wet hot.
- Tattoos: im thinking a nice checkerboard, and the sublime sun
- Piercings: ...
Section 9 - This or That
- Pierced nose or tongue?: tounge
- Single or taken?: single
- MTV or BET?: MTV
- 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek?: jessica beils fucken hot
- Sugar or salt?: sugar
- Silver or gold?: silver
- Chocolate or flowers?: flowers
- Color or Black-and-white photos?: color
- M&Ms or Skittles?: skittles
- Stay up late or sleep in?: i like the sleep in but i like sunsrts
- Hot or cold?: hot
- Mustard or ketchup?: Ketchup
- Spring or Fall?: spring
- Happy or sad?: mellow
- Wonder or amazement?: amazement
- Mexican or Italian: italian
- Candy or Soda?: soda
- Pepsi or Coke?: coke bitches