Dec 05, 2005 18:12
I feel crap,
But my best friend in the world is coming up friday to stay with me till I go home! Whoo, thats around a week, maybe a little more. It's great news, a real friend. Over the last couple of weeks I have really found my friends here, I mean there are so many fake people around its really nice to have a bunch of friends that really are friends. I have met some people here that I never want to see/or hear from again, and that was something that really used to bother me, but not it really dosnt matter.
I have no idea what has made me so happy, even though I feel bad. I feel bad becouse I have tummy pains, but I think thats becouse I ate bran flakes for dinner. But there jummy so I'm ok to suffer.
Anyway I'm happy now, which is great, becouse finally I can get around to doing things, like actually being a good friend and doing something for Helens birthday, which I have been bad about, but in my small defence I have been pretty tied down over this weekend, but I'm back now. Back with everything really, making music, doing some really good graphics and writing aswell.
I'm really going to put a massive effort into getting what I want out of this like, which everyone knows, there are three things
1) write and publish my book
2) write music with my band
3) be amazingly talented with graphics and writing, mixing poetry with graphic design, into typography.
I will be so happy to do any of them, and one and two can be done together which is great, but I;m not sure if I could do two with another, I'm not sure how full time being in a famous band would be?
Anyway, yes I'm happy(ish).
The only thing I'm not happy about it my drawing teacher, becouse it is a over paid and praised wanker, who only picks on me becouse I am talented, and my two thousand word essay in for next week. Gay.
I would like to get almost everything done for when Hicks gets here, so we can have lots of catch up time.
I'm exited.
So just a note people, I'm back on LJ.