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Sep 14, 2005 14:12

So I have borrowed my mums camera for my summer project so I thought id do some pictures of my day. But i'll tell you about last night first. It was great. See. Me and Hicks have got this thing, tuesday nights! There great, we go buy beer sit in and do nothing, and do the same on fridays round his, which means added mariokart and smash brothers! But yesterday was different, after finnishing our four pack I sparked up the idea for a pint down town. So we went off, stopping at each put on the way we got into town, so three pubs and three pints later we were there. And then after another stop, eight pints in and the need for food we stopped off for some chips and walked home together, talking about life in general and how much we are going to miss eachother when we go away. And we really will, he's like a damn brother to me, we have been friends for nine years now, and not just friends, like friends friends, when we were at school and I lived with my mum every weekend he would stay over, and my parents all love him. He really is a member of the family. He's the best friend ever, and after we get out of uni, and he dose his own thing and I get my masters, then my teachers and become a teacher. I think? We will probably move in together. Haha we have planned so much for the future. But yeah, seems pointless me writing this now becouse I cant show how much it meant to me. But I suppose you get the idea. And today we are going to a gig together to say goodbye in style! The Duke Spitit aswell which is a even bigger bonus!

But yeah today I have been doing yet more packing, not that it looks like it,

thats some random stuff im taking, or which iv packed so far, and im also taking lovly maccy,

and that thing next to it is my song book, which will also be coming with me. And joy of all joys my hair is kinda growing back! Looky!

I'm also desiding what guitar im going to take with me, I'm thinking about just taking the acoustic for the first term? dunno yet?
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