I've been trying to spend less time online and more time keeping the house & giving Autumn relaxing days. I'm not about to give up LJ, although I'm tempted to take up
greenhealing's week long hiatus challenge. I'd be fine not posting, but I'd be wondering what was going on in everyone's lives. I'd sneak ;)
We took Autumn's to my Mom's again yesterday for another trial run before the concert next Sunday. We went to see Farenheit 9/11. I won't get all political on you here. I know not everyone agrees with my view, and nothing I can say will make you. The point that was the scariest to me wasn't anything to do with Bush (although that has me terrified). At one point they're in Iraq talking to "soldiers". These are kids. Some of them are younger then people I graduated high school with. They aren't old enough to drink, but they're old enough to kill.
They don't understand what they're doing. They think it's like a video game. They talk about the rush they get killing innocent people. They talk about what music is the best to kill to. They LAUGH about it.
My mind is blown. Please go see this movie, no matter which side your own. It's important to see what's really going on in Iraq since the news won't show you.
Anyway, we're trying out a "bedtime routine" tonight because Autumn's been having alot of sleep issues the past week. First a bath, then massage with lavender & chamomile lotion, one reading of "Goodnight Moon" (which my Dad read to me every night when I was little!) and then nursing. All to the tune of the lullaby CD that
nexa911 sent us before she was even born. Amazingly enough it worked and hopefully this will be the start of a new trend... please!