weekly challenge one: colors

Jul 16, 2010 16:46

Hello, lovely lovely people. So there weren't a lot of writers that seem interested in the challenges, but then abcangels and I thought, "Eh. We'll try it anyway." and decided to start the weekly challenges so we can get some fics and/or drabbles out there. Maybe it's also in the hopes that once we get the ball rolling, more people would join. *wink wink nudge nudge* :DDDD

Anyway, this week's theme is all about COLORS. Below is a list of unique/interesting color names you can choose to include in your fic.

Comment with the number of fics/drabbles that you want to write and at least three colors in the list that interest you, and I'll reply with the colors you may write about. Temporarily, we're only allowing one person per color, so first person to call on the color gets it.

COQUELICOT wild poppy; corn-rose; red mixed with orange  pinefir
VIRIDESCENT slightly green
CITRON a grayish-green yellow  dorox
VIOLACEOUS blue with a tinge of red; bluish purple  blueicecreamxo
BATTLESHIP GRAY medium shade of gray
ECRU grayish to pale yellow or light grayish-yellowish brown
WHITE SMOKE white with tinge of gray; very light gray  sycoraxsnow
JET BLACK very dark black  abcangels
AMARANTHINE deep purple-red; also means eternally beautiful and unfading; everlasting  blueicecreamxo
BUTTERSCOTCH a golden or tawny brown  young_ah
AUREATE golden, gilded, golden-yellow; also means inflated and pompous in style
CARMINE a strong to vivid red  mayshy
GUNMETAL GRAY dark gray color with a tint of blue
LAZULINE a light shade of blue
OBSIDIAN a shiny, usually volcanic glass in black  myhlum
PERIWINKLE a pale purplish bluepinefir

Since this is a challenge and not a contest, we won't be too strict about the time limit for posting the fic/drabble. However, since it's a WEEKLY challenge without any rules about the length of the piece, one week should be enough, right?

We've included an example post for you guys to follow. The colors chosen in that post are still up for grabs.

So let's do this guys! GO GO GO!

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