Blood, blood and more blood

Dec 26, 2005 22:29

We went to the parental units' again today. Lunch was goose and lamb, t'was lurvely :)
I, unfortunately, appear to have picked up the bug that my dad has been battling with and I don't think anything has been staying in my tum for long enough to cause me to put on yet more weight!!
After lunch, Chris and I took a dip in the hot tub again and as I was drifting to sleep I then went and took a nap in mum's bed. After an hour or so, Chris dragged me out again to play trivial pursuit. We played girls v boys and the girls triumphed :) yay us!!
Mum then tried to force more food into us but I declined the offer!
We have had Pam (a distant relative on mum's side) staying today and tonight (well, I say 'we' but I really mean 'mum and dad') so whilst dad and Chris were watching some foul show about the worst Christmas jobs ever with Pam and grandma, mum and I were looking at jewellery on the internet! We were happliy ogling some rainbow topaz pieces of ebay when we heard a heavy thunk and the breaking of pottery. I ran out to find grandma on the floor, surrounded by broken pots. I picked her up (luckily for her she's quite light so I didn't have to heave!!) and we took her upstairs in the lift. She has got, quite possibly, the worst skin in the whole wide bloody universe. All she has to do it catch her arm (or any part of her, for that matter) on the corner of a wet piece of cardboard and she rips it. Well, in the fall she'd ripped of the skin under the top of her sock and of course the sock was a)soaked in blood and b)stuck in the wound. There was blood everywhere. It took agaes to get the sock out of the wound and get it suitable to dress properly. As she does this type of thing all the time, she's used to it and is very blase about it and has lots of dressings with her at all times. What makes it worse, is the fact that she takes asprin everyday as she is prone to minute blood clots that cause her to black out at inopportune moments! (like there's an opportune moment, eh?!!) So, not only does her skin peel off if you blow on it, her blood doesn't really clot properly! She's a stubborn bugger is my grandma and refuses to move in with mum and dad for saftey's sake because her cat might get upset. Bloody cat.
All in all, it's been an eventful day!!
Tomorrow I am supposed to be trying to wake up first thing in the morning and going to a massive sale at a shop called 'Next' (a big clothes chain that has branched out and is now doing wonderful present material homeware gifts), the only problem is that the sale starts at 5am!!! and they do have amazing value sales (I'd never shop there usually as it is a touch on the extortionate side!!) so I need to be there early if I want to finish my gift shopping!! (at this rate, I'm gunna spend the rest of the year in poverty!!) I still need to get my cards and paper for next year (I only make cards for family and immediate friends and buy for school staff and kids) and maybe a few more gifty type things to tide me over till the next boxing day/january sales. I know that I sound totally anal about this gift buying business, but I get really pissed with the profit margins of some of these places and refuse to spend over the odds for anything. Besides, I love shopping and don't really get to do much of it due to my refusal to spend!! and I love gift buying and giving and this way I get to be able to afford to give to more people as well as the fact that I love being so organised!! If I wasn't this organised, I dunno if I'd manage a teacher!work load.
Oh, and I'm supposed to be going to watch Chris' rugby team playing against a football team. They are gunna be playing half a game of football followed by half a game of rugby. I've been wanting to go and see this for ages as it should be really funny and great fun!! My whole point about the shopping and rugby ramble is that if my tummy is still not right, I wont be going shopping as I wont be near a loo and I wont be going to the game as I wont want to breath germs all over our friends!
I hope this didn't all sound as jumbled as it feels!!

family, shopping, money, health

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