My GOF review/witter

Nov 20, 2005 20:14

I really liked it, definately the best one yet :)
You'll have to excuse my rambles here, it's more like a stream of thought than a review. The start will be in more detail as I remember it more clearly.
To start with, the opening scene is cool and creepy. Barty being there is a good idea as it cuts down a huge amount of expaination later on.
Then we go straight into a R/Hr cute moment, let's have an "awwwwwwwww" please!!
Next up, edible looking twins *drool*, the portkey was really cool and I liked the crackling magical effects, cool :)
The campsite looked like sooooooooo much fun was going on and the tent was brilliant and the "I love magic" line is bloody brilliant!!
The stadium made my jaw drop in total awe and I loved the nasty Lucius bit and the Draco abuse!!
The fact that we didn't actually see any of the game wasn't too much of a problem as it would have taken up extra time and wasn't important to the plot, but we did get to see how much fun they were all having and the coolness of Krum. I also liked the twins mentioning the real names of the Irish team, that was good and not really needed, just put in for our benefit I think.
The Death Eaters looked really scary and it did bring a lot of darkness early on. I liked how Barty jnr was there as it moved the movie plot along without giving anything away to those who wouldn't know him (I think there are still a few of 'them lot' out there!! heehee), and I liked Arthurs' 'Thats's my suuuuuuuun' running bit, yay for daddy!Arthur :)
The whole Ron not letting Harry pay for him bit was wonderfully done, it spoke volumes and took no time at all, bless you Ronnikins *hugs Ron*, and then Harry being a loved up idiot, awww.
The next bit (start of school) was great for me and the arrival of Durmstrang to the great hall was absolutely amazing, and am I the only one ho found Karkaroff strangely appealing? *blush* Victor's glowering was cool too and the girls looked so light and ladylike, I loved it.
I really enjoyed the focus being off Harry for quite a while, you got to see so much more and I really liked the fact that it seemed (to me) to be the story of the TWT starting and not just about Harry. I know that sounds wierd, but I hope you get what I mean by that, I liked it anyway!! The arrival of Moody was a bit wierd tho, was the cieling bit supposed to warn us about him? or am I just imaging things?
DD attacking Harry and pinning him up against the wall was a wtf moment for me and I do have a problem with it, DD would never do something like that to one of his students, ever. I think that this is a good place for me to examine my feeling on Gambon as DD. For me, I think Harris will always be DD. He really brought him to life for me and I loved him for it. Gambon is just too much for me in this film. In PoA I thought he was great and I was releived that I enjoyed his portrayal of the greatest wizard in the whole wide history of the world (sorry Nate!!). In this one he was a bit scary really and we really don't need to see a fallable side to DD yet and I found it a bit off putting as I worship DD, faults and all. Sorry to those of you who love him as DD, I hope I haven't offended you at all, I didn't eman to if I did.
The Moody lesson was great, I love the crazy chalk board writing, you do get a sense of total insanity!! The curses bit was tastefully done and I really felt for poor Neville. It was a shame that there wasn't time to show the kids fighting off the imperius, but apparently there wasn't time :(
The first task was amazing, the effects were awesome and entirely gob smacking!! It was scarey, mostly made up and brilliant!! (side note, I loved the 'bob told edith who told gandalf to tell so and so that whats his face told us that hagrid is looking for you bit!! - inspired!!)
The Ced tellling Harry about the egg was nicely awkward and wtf, nice one!! The bathroom scene was just fantastic, Mertle was brilliant again, but I found the polyjuice potion reference to be unneccesary though.
The second task was cool, but I didn't like the Ron doll much, the other were better though.
The maze was truely frightening and didn't sffer from the lack of creatures.
And I've just realised that I forgot the ball!! Jarvis cocker looked amazing and I fell in love with him all over again!! Hermione meeting Krum was great, the brawl was just done to perfection, and it looked like they really were having a great time, the crows surfing was waaaay cool!! (side note - why were Padma and Pavarti both in Gryf?) I have to own up to this bit too, I liked Hermione in her dress, I thought she looked beautiful and the lack of blue didn't bother me at all and I'm no fan of girlie pink!!
The graveyard scene was plucked from my brain!! Voldy was brilliantly done, and just how I imaginied him/it. The death of Cedric was blunt and just how it should have been, the duel showed how Harry escaped by a huge helping of luck and Lucius looked tasty!! The setting was cool and the couldron vanishing and the robes appearing were cool too. The returning of Cedric was heart breaking and I admit to crying both times I've seen the film. Dan's crying was fantastic this time and not remotely cheesy.
I'm kinda bored of typing now, so I'll just add a few extra random thoughts
Movie!Ron was soooooo much better this time around, the falling out showed us both sides of the story and didn't paint Ron in a poor light at all, you totally understood why he was pissed off at Harry. The "I'm just Harry Potter's stupid friend" was great too, and I think it was a dig at all those Ron haters out there. The make up scene afterwards was nicely done too, especially with one of the twins calling everyone sods!! LOL
The twins were a revalation in this movie. I've always been a fan of the Phelps twins, but that's always had move to do with them than their acting. This time around they were absolutely perfect!! Fred and George were in this movie if you know what I mean. It's the first time that I have seen the twins from my imagination. Oh and I loved the 'fight' after the aging potion, it was such a brotherly thing to do!!
I felt Hermione was much more Hermione like this time around too, far more canonish too. nicely written.
The acting from the trio just keeps on getting better in my mind too, I can't wait till OOTP if this was anything to go by!!
I can't think of anything else to write at the moment, but I might add anything else I think of later.

I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did :)

harry, movies

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