Project 365

Jan 11, 2010 21:19

I don't know if I'll do a hard copy of this yet, but I am doing a digital version.
The idea is to take a picture every single day to represent your day. I am using this post to host mine all in one place, and will update as needed, basically when I feel like it!!

I did get a nice new camera for Christmas, so I might as well put it to good use on a daily basis!

I had a bit of trouble with the 2nd as my day lasted waaaay over 24 hours due to time zones and such, so I opted for 2 for that day.

Hanging out, playing some Wii on New Year's Day. (1st)

Saying goodbyt to the family at Brisbane airport. (2nd)

In Dubai airport. (2nd b)

One of the numerous coffees I had when we arrived back in England - to ward off sleep and therefore avoid jetlag. (3rd)

Late Christmas at my parents' house. This is Chris with his remote control Dalek! (4th)

Our very good friend Stef, pulling faces in his ridiculous Australian hat!! (5th)

Rufus snuggling on the sofa (9th)

Rufus chompsing on his chew toy bone. (10th)

We have spent the day with our laptops on our knees and movies.shows on the telly!! (11th)

I have spent the whole day with a head ache, awaiting this moment! (12th)

Year 8 really pissed me off today so this face sums up my day at school!! (13th)

Project Runway finally makes it back on over here!! (14th)

Back to Spanish lessons - Gill drives :) (15th)

Year 11 photos today. I made my form get together on the stage afterwards and we did pictures. Unfortunately the girl who took the pictures with me in too was, quite frankly, shit at photography!! (16th)

I went to a cocktail party at a colleague's house and got very drunk - but didn't embarrass myself horribly for a change. We played on this one armed bandit for most of the night. T'was awesome!! This was when Stuart when he got 3 bells in a row :D(17th)

I had a hangover from hell and dairy products are the only thing I can keep down when I've done this to myself. (18th)

I helped a friend to jump start her car, after parents' evening, and the next day there were flowers in my pigeon hole! (23rd)

My cousin dyed my hair blonde. (24th)

It was a disaster and we ended up 'fixing it' by putting a reddy brown on it. This was the result before washing. It was ginger after 1 wash. I spent Monday like that at school. Vickie dyed it brown again on Monday night. All was right with the world. (25th)

I had a teaching observation. These are my initial plans. It was a disaster. I only got 'satisfactory'. (26th)

Went to Vickie's after school, for tea, this is her daughter doing a dance routine for me. (27th)

The door fell off my oven. This is after I had fixed it :) (28th)

I was supposed to go to Spanish tonight but I really didn't feel up to it, so I just came home from school and dumped my bags on the sofa, meaning to do some work for it, but never got around o it as I really wasn't in the mood for Spanish - naughty me! (29th)

Went out with Gill and her friends. This is me and Brady, still on the Friday night, still in not too bad shape. (30th)

This is me and Brady on the saturday morning after lots of drinking had ensued!! (31st)


I went to ride my mum's new horse, Rebecca. This is the state of my feet after trotting around for 2 hours. It snowed quite badly, and I could barely see for most of the time! (1st)

It was very cold and I didn't really want to take Rufus out for a walk, but I manned up and got on with it and haven't let him down this week, despite the weather! (2nd)

School was closed due to the driving conditions. I didn't find out till I'd been at school for a while so I decided to stay and tidied my room. I love school with no kids in it! (3rd)

Out and about in my car! Well, driving home from school, anyway. Conditions not too bad now.

I got the text message before I left for school today so i am not going to bother going in! I'm dedicated, but not completely mental! (5th)

The snow was really bad just after school started and kept coming on down really heavily and in the end, the head decided to send us home early! School finished at 12.30 and we all went to the pub instead of staying in school like we think we were supposed to do :) This is just a pretty picture from my garden :) (6th)

I went over to mum's and rode Rebecca today, it was good :) (7th)

At mum's to ride Rebecca again :) (8th)

We went to see comedian Mark Watson, he was very good. (9th)

Foul weather again. (10th)

Read to head off to Paris with school. This is my friend Krystle, we had an awesome time together :) (11th)

I climbed the Eiffel Tower with this group of misfits and wierdoes! It was bloody brilliant! (12th)

The most expensive round of hot chocolates ever. 56 Euros! Was fun though. (13th)

Valentine's day with Val! This is one of the students I took to Paris. He is my mini me! Krystle decided that as we were both wearing the silly Disney Land ears with veils that we were getting married! (14th)

On the coach on the way back from Paris, Val and I did this to his stitch stuffed toy! It was a very fun journey home after I made Val swap places with the crazy boy that previously sat next to me! Bless you Valerio!! (15th)

project 365, pictures

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