Really bizzare canine behaviour!!

Jun 23, 2007 15:43

Ok, can anyone explain this please?
I have just been out and got some nice fresh liver for the baby and mummy ferrets to munch on. I brought it home and stood in the kitchen chopping it into tiny pieces that the baby ferets can manage. Rufus (my doggy) came in to see what was going on, he usually loves meat scraps so I offered him a piece of the liver. He jumped back from it in the same manner as I would pull my nose away from something really acidic. He then started barking like mad. I thought he'd maybe heard someone clattering about next door and offered him some liver again and he started barking again and backing away from me like I was being mean to him or something. He then carried on barking at the roof and carried on for about 30 seconds or so. He then came slinking back to me as if he'd done something wrong - the fully on 'puppy dog eyes' and everything!! Any ideas why my dog would be scared of liver? It smelt like perfectly normal liver to me.


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