Jan 17, 2007 18:32
Ok, quick question for you all. Am I being unreasonable here?
A few weeks before xmas, Chris and I went to Edinburgh with my cousin Andy and his wife sarah. We had a whale of a time. Sarah suggested that we 4 go to see another rugby game in Liverpool in a few months. We said it sounded like a great idea. We spoke about it again at xmas, and Andy and Sarah were going to book tickets and sort out the hotel to stay in. The venue has changed to Manchester now. I'm less keen to go to Manchester as all it has to offer in Manchester United football club (who I loathe!!) and shopping. I like shopping as much as the next girl, but I loved the idea of Liverool as it's got so much stuff to go and see and do.
We get an email from my other cousin, Heather - who I really don't like much at all as she's a selfish cow and for the sake of my family, I act around her for pretty much the whole time. [We had a massive falling out a few years ago as she was really nasty to her mum who she rarely saw and I said it was unnecessary, she gave me a gobfull of abuse and I replied 'dont speak to me like that in my own home' - where she was staying!! we didnt talk for months and months and then I had to invite her to my wedding as dad begged me to and she bloody well turned up, bitch!!) anyway, now its not just the 4 of us, its Sarah's sister, Andy and Sarah's housemate, Stu and Heather oo. The worst bit is, Heather has gotten our tickets and we are supposed to sit with her!! I know it's petty but the only reason that I said yes was because the 4 of us have such a good time together. I love Sarah's sister and get on fine with the housemate, but why her????? grrr
ETA I'm gunna have to go as Chris really wants to see the match (mega rugby fan) and I still really wanna hang out with Andy and Sarah, and I'd kind of like to see Manchester even though I'm not as interested in it as Liverpool.