Can You Come Out To Play Tomorrow?

Dec 27, 2006 04:17

Hey, if you is bored tomorrow at around 1 PM and have nothing better to do... then, come out and play with us. I planned a day of recreational activites... thus, dubbed ____ball Day! It's basically a day of recreational activities including, but not limited to kickball, dodgeball, softball, football, burnball or whatever else people want to do (including waterballon fights, boardgames, etc.).

Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Time: 1:00pm - 7:00pm
Location: Kings Grant Park
Street: SW 160 Street & 152 Avenue Miami, Florida (map)
City: Miami, FL

Remember to start showing up at around 1 PM at Kings Grant Park. Also... bring any recreational supplies to play with (balls, bats, cones, games etc.) and like $5 in order to get some food (most likely pizza) and refreshments (or bring anything you'd like if you'd like.

So, if you's interested... feel free to get a hold of me and I'll give you mo' info yo!

... oh, and feel free to invite/bring any friends.
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