{{OOC: Follows
this horrible thread of doom and
this less-horrible thread of less doom. Just pretend that they're done at the time of this writing.}}
Ms. Costello has successfully made contact with the consciousness of Captain Harkness and is, for the moment, physically unharmed. Instgur Thane seems to have been more enamored of causing as much psychological damage as possible, and I would doubt the utility or wisdom of leaving her with him much longer.
Captain Harkness has put forth one plan to incapacitate and detain him. He has provided the coordinates of the place to which his vortex manipulator will extract him should he be injured or killed, and informs us that with a significant amount of physical damage the lag between that extraction and his revival should be enough for a properly-prepared team to disarm, paying special attention to his two wrist devices, and restrain him.
If this gambit is successful and Thane can be restrained, I believe that I can return Captain Harkness to conscious control, though I am no longer as sure that I can fully suppress Thane's consciousness.