(no subject)

May 14, 2011 10:42

I'm a little better today. I woke up to the alarm, followed by a text message, followed by the snooze button going off 5 minutes later; that's about how my morning went for the next hour or so. Scott's in Norfolk, VA until about 8, my time. Then he gets on a flight to Ramstein, Germany, has a few hours of layover in Deutschland, then flies to Qatar tomorrow evening and to the UAE sometime thereafter.

I've been holding up all right, but there's been plenty of opportunity for texting and phone calls, which there won't be after today. Well, okay, there will be phone calls, but not spontaneous ones - when he gets overseas, he'll have to call the Guard base here and have them patch the call to me. I don't know how often he can do that or how long we can be on the phone, but at least it's possible to hear his voice. In theory, Al Dhafra has internet capability, too, so there's still facebook and e-mail.

I took the cat to the vet today. She's healthy, and the vet expressed delight at the fact that 'her kitten has grown up'. I don't think I've talked about Tiny on here much... briefly, right after Scott and I moved into this apartment (so about a year and a half ago), we were lonely for another cat and wanted Faf to have a playmate. On a whim we went to Petsmart, and there - staring back up at us - was the sweetest little kitten face you could imagine. Then we saw her back. She was swathed from shoulder to rump in bandages, and when we asked about her from the Humane society, we found out she'd escaped from her old owners as a little kitten, and got under a hot car. She was badly burned, the vet bill was out of this world, and her owners couldn't pay for her, so they put her up for adoption.

That decided it for us - we picked her up the very next day, and after several months of her healing, then scratching herself raw, then rounds of antibiotics, our vet recommended we give her an anti-anxiety. Sure enough, that worked, and now we have a healthy, vivacious little tortie girl who is love with my husband. She was waiting for him to come to bed all night... she finally settled down next to me at about 3. I think this separation is going to be rough on her, too. But not for Faf - I don't think he'd notice if the house caved in, so long as someone was there to feed at pet him.
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