I think I said I told you so enough, so I won't anymore. But...I knew Rin was an awsome artist and now everyone in Japan knows it too. And that is the way it should be...And maybe if I hadn't threatened to disembowel the Merciful Goddess, it might have been even better
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Mmmm, I am very much looking forward to watching you play, KeiKei~ ♥ Good thing there's going to be a wall or a fence or something in the way, because otherwise, I could end up jumping you ♥ And Fearless Buchou might be a tad...mmm...crazy, but have you felt your ass lately~? Well, I have! ♥
Oooh, congratualte Ko for me, will you~? That's amazing, and I am proud of her~
No one will touch me, Kei. I promise. And if someone does, I'll try to leave enough of them for you to kill...
Well, I hope yu don't get so turned on you have trouble playing. Good thing I go before you. I can watch you as much as I like. And yeah. That crazy old smiling geezer knows his shit.
I will. cause I'm proud of her too. Just don't tell her I said that.
Good. Though I'll enjoy watching you do it. You're just as hot when you fight.
I'll do my best to not not get too turned on~ Because yeah, playing with a hard-on would be...mmm, painful, at best. Well, if I disappear halfway through your set, you'll know why~ ♥ And I'm sure you'll appreciate the show I'll give, babe...maybe I should ditch the warm-up jacket so my shirt can ride up more~?
My lips are sealed, KeiKei~
Is there anything I do that you don't think is hot, babe~?
....tease... but I'd love the view even more.
Yeah. That one face you make when Shirou made you eat gouya. So not hot
Maybe I do tease, but I follow through, too~ So I'll be sure to give you as much as you can stand to look at~ ♥
Kei, sweetie, there was gouya involved. Automatically NOT SEXY. There is nothing sexy about that...plant! Luckily I enjoy sucking on...certain other things, a lot more~
I can stand to look at a lot. But I might pounce you in the locker room later.
But I made my point. There is one thing you do that's not sexy.
So as long as I and gouya aren't around you at the same time, we're good~?
We're good...but it's not that bad RinRin.
It's EVIL I tell you! E-V-I-L~!
There's no such thing as evil food. And I'll eat yours for you if you ever are comfronted by it again.
You can have my gouya with my blessing. I'll just stick to ice pops~
You really do love me, giving me all the food you don't like. You know they have gouya-flavored ones...
You know I do love you, babe~ Ummm, no~ I'll stick to strawberry~ ♥
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